Certainly, a new world order is springing up, me thinks. A multipolar one? May be, may be not. The concern here is why the hate on Russia? Would USA have supported Canada to join forces or friendship with Russia-led strategic groups??? So, who would have thought that a friend becoming a friend to his enemy is in his favour? The 911 attacks certainly broke the age-old myth about America's impregnability and supremacy when it used to play the world police selfishly in a unipolar world.
The new uprising is about testing military might and power by a superpower in dire need to assert itself as such. Russia has a point to prove after all. Since the balkanisation of the USSR, the once-dreaded Russia seems to have lost steam and military vigour. So, it's about time they show the comity of nations that in the political calculus of world politics Russia still matters a lot.
Except this is the much awaited Armageddon so predicted, at the end of the day everything else will peter out. For all you care, it's all about wielding world influence. The outcome of this whole thing, methinks may largely determine world peace and harmony especially within the realm of global politics and diplomacy.
Let's just sit back and watch things play out.