Many things happen at that drinking joint around the corner.

People come from different backgrounds. Their age grades range from the young to even the very old. 

Social levels don’t really matter to them much.

There’s a high level of camaraderie among the patrons.

When you are broke, you are sure to be provided for by your pals. When you are buoyant you don’t despise them.

They support each other in all situations.

I’ve seen young men secure good jobs through their older and more connected drinking partners.

It’s not the drink that interests me. 

It’s the spirit of camaraderie and providing for each other when tides change.

If this was applied to Politics, it will be a better world.

Unlike the drinkard who still fellows with the ‘guys ‘ when fortune smiles on him, most politicians relocate when power shifts to their side.

A friend of mine once said “A friend in power is a friend lost “.


Beer Parlor politics is a different ball game.

Patrons come from different facets of life. 

All kinds of opinions and information come to the table.

False information is rife. If you are looking for information that is accurate, the Beer Parlor is a wrong place to go.

The politics there is such that everybody else loses at the end except the owner of the joint.

The bar operator praises whoever is buying at the moment.  He however doesn’t abuse the one who is broke.

He encourages you to keep drinking even at the risk of your health.

Applied to Party Politics, many politicians are like the Beer Parlor operator.

They use others to get what they want, not minding if they lose on the long run.  They encourage their people to engage in various nefarious activities just to get their desired results.

The political leaders encourage young people to engage in activities their own  families will never go near. The young followers can go on illicit and dangerous drugs, as long as it makes them capable of doing oga’s bidding.

I know a young man who assaulted an old man at the behest of the “boss”. He got a handshake from the boss, and quite some money. But he never lived to enjoy it.

In POLITICS OF THE BEER PARLOR, everyone looks after each other. Theirs is an ‘espirit de corp’.

In BEER PARLOR POLITICS it’s the interest of someone that is paramount and it doesn’t matter if the others perish in the course.

In politics today, it’s not bad to visit the beer parlor but it’s left to choose between the POLITICS OF BEER PARLOUR AND/OR BEER PARLOUR POLITICS.



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