by Princess Bolanle Hassan-Fasan.

E ban gbo omo oke !, lanti- lanti !!/ 2ce

 One major benefit of the internet is that the world has been reduced to a global village where information and news travel with the speed of light and can be accessed anywhere and anytime. It is quite interesting that my personality profile, written by a blogger in Nigeria, has travelled far and elicited so much interest around the world. I feel highly honoured that you took time off to reach out to me from faraway Beijing, China, to come and speak about my root and my town, Ibadan- the city founded on seven hills. I am glad to inform you that I received a similar invitation from a group in Chicago, Ibadan Prestige Club of Chicago (IPCoC), United States of America. The event will take place in the third week of February. E ban gbo omo oke !

 In my two and half decades in the United Kingdom, I have made friends in various fields of human endeavour and met people of diverse colour and creed, who are fascinated about my birth place, Ibadan- the home of Yoruba ancient warriors, and my identity as a princess from Aliiwo dynasty. On many occasions, I discovered that their fascination is not unconnected with the way I dazzle them with my rich cultural heritage and the manner I flaunt my origin as Omo elenu ona meta, eru arin kan, abanigbele arinkan, arin gbungbun ni tomo Balogun. Omo otoro obe, toro abe ...

I don't mince words in informing my listeners on any platform that I am a proud offspring of the great prince of Ogbomoso, Ali Okunmade, who was raised in his maternal grandfather's palace in Iwo in today's Osun State and later became the Balogun of the town.

 Due to his fame, bravery and war exploits, the services of this great man of valour were often sought for by neighboring warring communities and towns. It was one of such war expeditions that took him to Ibadan upon Balogun Ogunmola's invitation to help in executing the Kiriji War which had become unexpectedly prolonged. Ali and his men ended the war in three days and was about to return to Iwo when he was prevailed upon to stay back in Ibadan to join in its administration. He settled in Agodi area of the town and built his quarters and mosque which grew to become a dynasty called Aliiwo meaning Ali from Iwo. His descendants, among whom I am a bonafide member, are its present-day occupiers.

The dynasty, due to its robust contributions to the development and growth of Ibadanland and Olubadan traditional institution, has become a relevant factor in the political equation of Ibadan and Oyo State as a whole.

Aside the large number of seasoned politicians, high ranking public office holders, top notch professionals and consummate civil servants who have their roots in the ruling house, Aliiwo produced Baba Isale of Ibadan in early 1900s, Olubadan in 1952, Ekerin Olubadan in 1974 and the reigning Olubadan of Ibadanland, His Imperial Majesty, Oba, Senator, Dr. Mohood Olalekan Ishola Balogun-Aliiwo CFR (Ali Okunmade II).

The ascension of Oba Balogun to the throne of his forebears is a milestone in the annals of history. For the first time, Aliiwo traditional and political dynasty and the great city of Ibadan are privileged to have a nationalist and a scholar in high demand as the occupier of the highly revered traditional stool of Olubadan of Ibadanland.


I was not just happy that Oba Balogun, my father, mentor and confidant, joined great men of historical value on March 11, 2022 when he was adorned with the crown of Olubadan, I was filled with joy that kabiyesi, an ideology, a man of great erudition and distinction, lover of peace, excellence and creativity, is set to bring his quality of mind to bear on his domain and its people.

Also gratifying is the fact that His Imperial Majesty is not in this journey alone. Apart from his Baba Kekere, Senator Dr Muhammed Kola Balogun, a seasoned politician and the Bobajiro of Ibadanland, Chief Olasunkanmi Aremu mni. [retired Head-Of-Service] who are leaders of kabiyesi's think tank, the monarch is also blessed with and complemented by eleven high chiefs who were recently elevated to the status of obas. They are great men of ideas, men of courage and candour, and are well rooted in the culture and tradition of Ibadanland. They constitute the Olubadan-In-Council which is chaired by the Olubadan. They also represent kabiyesi in each of the eleven local government areas for the smooth running of the ancient city.

Ibadan, a city managed like a family also has a female line from where an Ìyálóde emerges. Iyalode has not only served as the representative of women in Ibadan traditional council, but also played the role of political and economic influencer since precolonial and colonial Nigeria.

From the pioneer Iyalode Subuola to the famous and fearful Iyalode Efunsetan Aniwura; women's rights activist, educationist and nationalist, Iyalode Wuraola Esan; renowned businesswoman, Iyalode Aminat Abiodun, to the present Iyalode, High Chief Theresa Lad

untan, Ibadan women have contributed in no small measure to the development of their native land.

Ibadan uniqueness is incomparable; it is a town founded on seven hills (oke), namely: Oke Padre, Oke Ado, Oke Bola, Oke Mapo, Oke Are, Oke Sapati and Oke Mokola while the city is naturally drained by four rivers (odo) Odo Ona in the North and West; Odo Ogbere in the East; Odo Ogunpa flowing through the city and Odo Kudeti in the central part of the metropolis.

A city without end, Ibadan is the political headquarters of the Yoruba nation, the largest city in sub-Saharan Africa and the third most populated town in the country. It is home of the only traditional democracy in Africa as well as home to all the firsts in Nigeria. They are the first television station in Africa, Western Nigeria Television (WNTV) now NTA Ibadan Network Centre; the first radio station in Africa, Western Nigeria Broadcasting Corporation (WNBS) now Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria, Ibadan National Station; the first stadium in Africa, the Liberty Stadium now Obafemi Awolowo Stadium; the first high-rise building in Nigeria, the 25-storey Cocoa House building; the first General Hospital in Nigeria, Adeoyo General Hospital; the first five star hotel in Nigeria, Premier Hotel; the first Government Secretariat Complex in Nigeria, Oyo State Government Secretariat; the first motorable road in Nigeria, the Ibadan - Oyo road.


This great city is also regarded as not only the knowledge hub of Yorubaland but that of the nation due to the large number of tertiary institutions among which are the first Nigeria university, the University of Ibadan; the first Teaching Hospital in Nigeria, University College Hospital (UCH); The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), the Institute of Agricultural Research and Training (IAR&T), Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN), Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN), National Institute of Horticultural Research and Training (NIHORT), School of Animal Husbandry.  Ibadan, Ile Oluyole, Ilu Ogunmola, has the oldest surviving newspaper in Nigeria, the Nigerian Tribune, established in 1949.

Despite all these remarkable feats and the abundance of highly cerebral and distinguished Ibadan sons and daughters at home and in the diaspora, Ibadan is yet to reach its full potential. No doubt, the ancient town has what it takes to be ranked among the greatest cities in the world.


There is a need to leverage these masterstrokes and the knowledge base of this historic and fantastic city to transform it into an economic investment haven. The clarion call for a greater Ibadan has become more strident now that a pathfinder and inspirational leader is on the stool.

The expectation is that our well-connected kabiyesi will galvanize his subjects within and outside to bring more developmental projects and initiatives. New businesses must be brought to this great land to reduce unemployment and make the city more vibrant.

The good news is that kabiyesi has been able to eradicate the menace of land grabbing and activities of hoodlums that had hitherto discouraged and constituted hindrances to some of our people in the Diaspora who wanted to establish or extend their businesses to Ibadanland.




As a true Omo Ajorosun, I urge everyone of us to take advantage of the new order; we need to synergize, mobilize and collaborate with each other in our collective efforts to lift our homeland to glorious heights.

 Oke'badan a gbe wa o, Ase.

 E ban gbomo oke! lanti-lanti!

 Thank you and God bless.

Hassan-Fasan, a renowned UK-based medical practitioner and philanthropist, delivered this speech to commemorate the maiden edition of the meeting of Ibadan Professionals Group (IPG), Beijing, China.




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